

Accelerating energy industry convergence – is renewable energy now a game ch ...


The energy transition to a carbon-free future may be one of the biggest challenges, changes and opportunities we must deal with. While we ma ...

Water, the currency of our future?

12/07/2021 by Arabian Business

When people think of limited, valuable natural resources, oil is mostly the commodity that first springs to mind. As a finite, non-renewable resource, ...

Crowdfunding: advantages and disadvantages


Crowdfunding is an increasingly common term, which, in the most basic form, describes the situation where a group of individuals give money to fu ...

Water, the currency of our future?


When people think of limited, valuable natural resources, oil is mostly the commodity that first springs to mind. As a finite, non-renewable resource, ...

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning – are they replacing the workforce?


The fear factor – rise of the machines – from HAL 9000 in 2001: A Space Odyssey to 2020’s Robot Riot, Hollywood has long had an obsessi ...

Why hotels will get smarter

17/06/2021 by Hotelier

When I think of hotels, I don’t automatically view them as technology-driven businesses nor incubators of innovation. But, if we examine how hotels op ...